2016 Goals
24 Jan 2016I figure the best way to focus on 2016 is to come up with some goals for myself, both personal and professional. And what better time to write down goals than almost a month into the year. So without further ado…
Pass the NRS II written
I do a lot of work on Alcatel-Lucent gear. As such, it’s beneficial to me to learn more about the Alcatel-Lucent (well, now Nokia) gear. I passed the NRS I in 2014 and haven’t had a chance to dive deep into the NRS II material. Even though I wouldn’t have the full NRS II, having the writtern portion would be a large step. The lab portion would then follow after that.
Blog more
So in 2015, I wrote 2 blog posts. Not much, but still more than 2014. So my goal for 2016 is to write 12 blog posts (and yes, this counts as one). My focus will be on more technical subjects and my studies.
Automate work tasks
I’ve started down this path, but I want to extend it further. There are a lot of time consuming tasks that are frankly, boring. So far I have been able to automate adding nodes to Solar Winds, creating DNS records in Infoblox IPAM, and adding devices to Cisco ACS. But to get the network device to the point where I can run the automated tasks, I still have to do work on the switch. I want to investigate and test more on automating the deployment of “traditional” network devices.
Bike 1000 miles
The past couple years since I started working full-time, I haven’t had a chance to bike as much as I had in the past. That’s probably to be expected, but the fact that last year, I think I went for 1 20 mile ride. My goal for the year is to bike 1000 miles.